Saturday, November 26, 2005

My Surprise Birthday Party

This is my surpise birthday party that took place right before I left for a short deployment. My husband Gabriel and I went up to his parent's weekend house in the Poconos. That day was actually my Father's [in-law] birthday so I thought we were just going to celebrate his. I don't like talking about my birthday so I didn't think Gabriel had mentioned it. I was supposed to leave at the end of August so I wasn't going to be home for my birthday. I didn't think this was a big deal but apparently my hubby did. Sometime before we got there he had made arrangements for Tia [that Aunt in spanish] Daisy to pick up a cake.

I had no idea and it came as a huge suprise

So when Mom [in-law] came onto the deck and said it's time to sing Happy Birthday I immediately turned to Dad [in law], who was behind the grill, started singing Happy Birthday and moving out of the way of the camera so they could bring the cake to him. The weird thing was he was singing to me and Tia Daisy turned the cake towards me. When I went to back up everybody was singing towards me and my husband got behind me to stop me from backing up. I thought they were just including me in the song until I looked down and saw the cake had my name on it.

At this point I yelled and just started cracking up laughing because it was so unexpected
So Happy Birthday to me LOL

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