The pictures are of the fabulous La Goldsberry
Actresses are called actors to now right?
The actor goes by the name of Renee Elise Goldsberry. She currently airs on One Life To Live [OLTL] as Evangeline Williamson, the best darn lawyer on the east coast. I mentioned her in an earlier posting when I talked about going to see The Color Purple Musical on Broadway. She starred in it as Nettie. Allow me to say that the character of Evangeline is simply fabulous. She is a sucessful career driven lawyer who is scared of relationships and marriage. Renee, or La Goldsberry as her fans have taken to calling her after Soap Sass' Michael Logan, is a wonderful actor who has performed in several entertainment formats from primetime
television, film, music, Broadway, and currently daytime television.
Her character Evangeline shares/shared a VERY realistic romance with Lt. John McBain of the Llanview Police Department [LPD], played wonderfully by Michael Easton. They are the RETURN OF THE SUPERCOUPLE, if only OLTL would invest in them and write the appropiate storylines.
From the first moments of them meeting there were sparks...and even now though they are broken up everytime they are on screen together you can SEE the chemistry. I actually watched their relationship grow onscreen. You know all the little parts of a growing relationship like sharing about each other, dating, making love, and even the little affectionate moves you develop. Their relationship was so realistic that sometimes I felt like a voyeur for
watching..which didn't deter me in the least :)
The relationship had many wonderful moments..their first kiss is highlighted in the above photos and to the side...Evangeline kissed John because he challenged and dared her. He wanted to know if she had EVER done anything spontaneous...when she put he off asking why he
thought she hadn't he responded that she was stalling because she hadn't. Evangeline said, "Come here," and John scooted over leaning his ear in so she could whisper it to him..but instead she turned his head and kissed him...leaving him stunned to say the least. Evangeline, or Van as she is affectionately called, then announced she had to go to which John responded, "So you're the kiss and run type?" Van just laughed and said, "Apparently so," and left John behind to consider that kiss.
Well in July 2005 John and Evangeline split up...due to John's inability to verbally express the words, I Love You. Now I hate this because he has shown he loves her non-verbally in so many other ways BUT Van needs to the words. It's funny because until this time every other time Van tried to break up with John he would manage to keep her but not this time.
In reality it was the decision of The Power That Be [TPTB] at OLTL to split John and Evangeline and put John with their annoying interloper Natalie. [Before I give the reasoning behind this please remember it is a soap] Back in 2003 John got the newlywed Cristian and Natalie Vega to come to Las Vegas for Natalie to play in a pool tournament for John. Now I'm a little fuzzy on the details [because the storyline was REALLY boring and I tuned out] but John was really a FBI agent and the tournament was a sting operation. Unfortunately it turned out badly, Natalie was
kidnapped, and Cris ended up trading his life for Natalie's. Everyone assumed Cristian was dead and Natalie "hated" John for awhile but then she started chasing after him [she was interested in him before she and Cris got married in Atlantic City so this was expected]. Allow me to stress the fact that she was chasing the man she blamed for the death of her husband a few months [if that] after the husband's death. John and Evangeline get together in the
Summer of 2004 and soon after Natalie decides that she and John are soulmates and tirelessly tries to come between John and Evangeline without much sucess. Now in late 2004 Cris pops back up apparently back from the dead but with amnesia issues...then it comes out that Cris is an imposter who was changed to look like Cris via plastic surgery [his entire body] and brainwashed to murder Antonio Vega [his supposed brother] and Augustico Santi [Antonio's real brother. He pulled the cord on Tico's life support and was sent to jail for life...BUT John and Evangeline had been suspicious of Cris and had an illegal DNA test done. Turns out Cris is really Cris...just brainwashed to believe otherwise and John runs to prison to confront Cris with the information. Cris makes John promise not to tell anyone so his family and Natalie can live their lives thinking Cris was a good man and not a murder.
The end result is that Van gets tired of John's inability to open up and allow her in and dumps him for good in June 9, 2005 despite his pleas. John continues to reject Natalie and pursue Evangeline. During all this a serial killer copying the Killing Club novel has been killing people around Llanview...Natalie [rather stupidly] decides to fake a kidnapping by the killer to get John's attention [he suffers from an EXTREME savior complex...dude has issues] which allows the killer to kidnap Evangeline from her Woman of the Year awards dinner and then Natalie from her mother's home. [Isn't it cute how John McBain signs her poster to say Evangeline I'm Coming For You]
End result they get rescued, Evangeline continues to reject John, and he decides to protect Natalie [from herself] by being with her. Unfortunatly to make John and Natalie's relationship possible they had to destroy the character of John [it is blantant character assassination]. It seems that since the breakup this guy has been spiraling down like talking to his dead Dad's ghost for instance and not washing his behind. Natalie continues to act as his enabler concerning his savior complex AND he appears to have become a full blown alcoholic. Okay so now we have That Man [he is no longer John McBain to me so I refer to his as That Man is NOT John McBain] in a relationship with the delusional Natalie; who walks around saying things like we're happy, John loves me, and John chose me over she's happy, John's just there, John have NEVER told anyone he loves them and in fact told Natalie that he didn't love her, and Evangeline dumped John and rejected him several times; which is a setup for Evangeline to find out about the DNA test and get upset over the fact that Cris was brainwashed and illegally imprisoned. End result is that in November we discover Carlo Hesser brainwashed Cris and Natalie finds out that That Man and Cristian hid the truth from her. Evangeline is acting to get Cris released from prison and is distancing herself from That Man and his issues.
What's really sad about all this is that there is NO CHEMISTY between That Man and Natalie...they come across more as siblings than lovers. There was none of the affection and obvious caring that existed between John and Evangeline. Basically Natalie wanted what John and Evangeline had and what she got was completely different and rather pathetic. On the ABC Message Boards [ABC MB] we've taken to refering to their relationship not at Jolie [shorthand for John and Natalie like how John and Evangeline are Jovan] but Jokie..because it's a Joke. Their loves scenes are TERRIBLE...and all you can do is laugh at them is so sad that a beautiful man like Michael Easton is being subjected to that relationship and we the viewer have to watch it...I just THANK GOD that Jokie is over and almost done...and Evangeline is being moved out of their orbit and focusing in on her cases.
Jovan has been put asunder and the question is can it be put back together better than before?
These sites have clips documenting the Jovan relationship, some fanfiction sites, and some websites devoted to Renee Elise Goldsberry and Michael Easton
Beautiful Kisses