Monday, December 05, 2005

Right Now I'm sitting in class

And I have no idea what's going on. The class is called "The Crusades" and it's a cross-listed history and middle eastern studies class. The class has been very interesting but of late we have been doing media presentations. There are 10 media groups and each group seems to take the entire class for its presentation. Mind you class lasts from 1810 to 1930 so that is quite a feat. My own group took until a minute AFTER class ended to do our presentation.

Back to my point about not knowing what's going on...each group gets some sort of film to contrast against the reality of the Crusades. The current group's presentation is about the film Saladin which I have never seen nor heard of. The group seems interesting enough however I was really boared at work and am probably going to let my mind wonder. Heck class just started and I'm already posting on my blog aren't I....I already know that I'm going to the ABC Message Board [ABC MB] next because I've developed a serious obsession with that board.

So after class I'm still being a bum; I am back to the laptop

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