Saturday, March 18, 2006

My Jovan Moment of the Day

So....I plan on having a moment of the day until I run out of Jovan moments. However since VIDEOS are included in these JoVan moments that should take awhile.

Today I'll show three. In case the site is giving me static about the amount of space I'm using I've included links the videos underneath them.

The first and second is because on the ABC Message Board we have a thread up about JoVan ambush kisses and how much we miss them *Hipp pauses and wipes a tear because she REALLY misses them* We posted about which Jovan ambush kisses are our faves. I have three off the top of my head but only have clips for two so I'll show those

The Third is a JoVan video that I adore by SassyKia to the music of Mariah's Don't Forget About Us. I loved this video so much when it first came out that I showed it to my family [the in-laws]. Unfortunately almost NONE of them watch soaps, except for my fab sister Monique, and it was a wasted activity. Ah well, here we go

Oh my I miss thee....let me count the ways

Beautiful Kisses

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